I've been working on a lace shawl and hit row 37 and couldn't for the life of me get it to come out right. I was always a stitch or 2 short. After about the 3rd try I just decided to go on and try to make up for it in the following rows but the perfectionist in me just couldn't let that sit. As I got to row 41 and knew there was still a mistake down there in row 37...... well what would you do??
I frogged. That's knit speak for I ripped it out. Get it? ribbit ribbit?? And of course I had not put in a life line so I had to frog each and every little and I do mean little stitch for 5 rows of over 80 stitches on each row. Good thing I had a *free* day to do all this frog stuff as it took a very very very long time.
All frogged and on to try # 49,673 or so it seemed by then. Miracles of miracles I finally conquered row #37 !!!!
and for the life of me I cannot tell you why it was being so stubborn or which part of it was coming up wrong. I do think some knitting gremlin was working mischief....
Row 37 complete. There are only 81 rows to the shawl so I am just about almost half way. Isn't it looking pretty?
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
What really made the day special tho was a phone call from my 91 year old mama. She never calls. Not just me, nobody. She has a hard time hearing on the phone and therefore doesn't like to use it unless she has to. I was talking to my bff at the time so mama left a message and as I was about to delete it after listening to it I decided to keep it. Mama's 91. Now I have a recording of her saying "Hi Linda, it's your mama. I was just thinking about you and decided to give you a call. So how are you?" I will keep that voicemail forever.
Goodnight from The Cottage ~
Love the look and everything about your blog! Welcome to Blogland, Linda!